Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Vampire's Castle FREE for a Limited Time!

Let's start off Spooktober with a bang! From October 1st - October 5th, The Vampire's Castle will be free on Amazon for everyone! If you're a fan of classic monsters like vampires, werewolves, witches, zombies, etc, I think you'll really enjoy this book! It was very much inspired by old monster movies and gothic horror novels like Dracula. I've always had a soft spot for the classic monsters and the "old dark house" trope, so the The Vampire's Castle (and the entire series of The Monster Entries) holds a special place in my heart 🧡 Check it out below!


Diana Barrows thought she was taking a typical family vacation with her husband and three children. But when a heavy storm hits and strands them at a sinister castle, things quickly go from bad to worse. Diana soon discovers the inhabitants of the castle are monsters—vampires, a werewolf, a witch, goblins, and other creatures—who are keeping her family prisoner there. Diana must find a way to escape with her family, before they become permanent residents of The Vampire’s Castle.

The Vampire's Castle is the first book in The Monster Entries trilogy.

FREE for a limited time at Amazon!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Halloween Street Collection Paperback Now Available!

Just in time for spooky season, I'm excited to announce that my Halloween Street Collection: 31 Short Stories is now available in paperback! In addition to that, the ebook has gotten a little bit of a refresh as well, changed the formatting a little bit and fixed some typos. Check them out below:

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Quick Update For Kindle Unlimited Subscribers

Hey, guys! Just wanted to make a quick announcement letting you know that all of my full-length horror books are now available to read for free if you are subscribed to Kindle Unlimited! With spooky season quickly rolling in, I thought this was a good time to make my spooky books readily available in a more affordable way. If you are a member of Kindle Unlimited, I hope you consider checking them out! If you are not a member, you can read about the service here: Kindle Unlimited and sign up for a 30 day free trial!

Books I have enrolled include:

The Monster Entries Trilogy
The Vampire's Castle
The Fates' Messengers
The Devil's Playground

The Mad Alice (Fear & Fairy Tales 1)

Halloween Street Collection: 31 Short Stories

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Chip, Book 3 in The Virginia White Chronicles Released Today!

 Put my nose to the ol' grindstone and finally The Chip is now available! Virginia's story continues! 


Virginia continues her journey of atonement by searching for a missing girl. When it’s discovered a golden casino chip worth a jackpot of over six million dollars has been stolen, Virginia suspects there is a link between the two crimes. During her investigation, she gets caught in the middle of an old feud between two rival crime families. Blood will be shed, but Virginia will stop at nothing to unravel the truth and find the missing girl. ~

Buy Now at Amazon

The Chip is book three of the Virginia White Chronicles. If you're unfamiliar with the series and want to check it out, the first book is titled The Disk and can be found here: Amazon

The series is a vigilante justice crime thriller, with psychological thriller aspects as well, all told from the perspective of a woman who battles with mental illness, sins from her past, and finding her place in the world. 

The next book and final book called The Piece is due out this year as well. Keep on eye on this blog or my website for further details on that! 🧩

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Website Updates & Book Soundtracks

 Welp, I've finally updated my website. Took me long enough, right? It looks a little more polished and organized as far as my books go. And it has nifty little banners for each of my series which turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself!

My website:

In addition to getting things organized, I've also made Youtube playlists featuring music I listened to and used as inspiration when I wrote each of my novels. At some point I would like to go into more detail about why certain songs were picked and how they inspired me, but that'll have to wait. I have more pressing things I need to get to (like publishing my next book!).

You can find the playlists on my Youtube channel:

Quick note that although I personally picked these songs and in my mind they are the soundtracks to my stories, I am in no way affiliated with the artists/musicians who recorded them. I just appreciate good music! 🎶🎧😊

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Moonridge Memories Paperbacks Are Here!

Sooner than I expected, the four books in the Moonridge Memories saga are now available in paperback at Amazon! The proof copies I received looked great, imho 😀 I'm really happy with how they turned out! Click on the covers below to check them out at Amazon:

The full collection will be available at a later date. I wanna get the rest of my individual novels done first before worrying about bundles. But for now, it's back to writing! ✍

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Time Waits For No One...

 Wow, just wow. Where has the time gone? Life has been a roller coaster ride the last few years. I can't believe I'm even saying that...a few years?! Not sure how that's even possible! It feels like only yesterday that I published The Mad Alice.

But is a new day, and we're at the beginning of a new year, and hopefully it'll be better than the last! 

So what's on the agenda? Well, a few things! Virginia White has been neglected long enough and I'm currently working on finishing her series. The third book, The Chip, is in the editing stages and should be published soon! I am currently writing the final book, The Piece, which I am really excited for. Since the series was originally planned to go much longer, The Piece is visiting two storylines and will most likely be the longest of the series. But I'm really, really liking how it's coming together! I was a little leery of trying to put the plots together into one book, but it feels reminiscent of the first book The Disk, which has me excited to see the series come full circle! It's going to be really hard to say goodbye to Virginia, but I think it'll be good to finally see her have some closure. Once The Virginia White Chronicles is finished, I will be focusing on Fear & Fairy Tales.

To my shock, I realized this year marks the 10 year anniversary of when I published my first book, Dog Days of Summer! 10 years...unbelievable! When I realized that, I decided it's time to finally do something I've been putting on the backburner since day 1: paperbacks! I've got the ball rolling and am planning to release paperbacks of Moonridge Memories this year, and if all goes well, I'd like to make them for all the ebooks I currently have published. I'm really excited for this and hoping all goes well. It's a lot of work, but it'll be worth it in the end. I was always extremely intimidated by the amount of time it would take to reformat my books for paperback, but fortunately I found a wonderful website that takes a lot of the tedium out of it. So now the work is mostly in redoing the covers. I didn't plan ahead so I have no wraparound covers for my books, so it's basically trying to retrofit my current covers into the measurements of a paperback. I think I'm up to the challenge though! Moonridge Memories, with the exception of the 4-book collection, have already been redone and in the process of being proofed and submitted for publication! Hoping to have them done by the end of February or beginning of March. 

Whew! I think that covers everything for now! Back to work! 😊💻✍