Saturday, February 15, 2014

2014 Plans

Since I disappeared for such a long time, I thought I'd share some of things I have slated for 2014. I tend to be a tad overambitious, so these are pretty much tentative goals. I enjoy staying busy though, so I'm hoping to hit most of these goals without totally cracking under the pressure.

  • Moonridge Memories collection - been on my to-do list for ages! I want to combine all four books into an ebook collection at a discounted price. I know how cluttered ereaders can get, so a collection is a no-brainer. I'm hoping to have this done in time for summer.
  • Print editions - ugh! Another thing I've been wanting to do for quite some time. I'll be honest, the formatting just seems sooo daunting compared to ebooks. I'm slowly picking it up, working on making a template, etc, but there's still a lot of work involved. I don't have a timeline as to when I want to get my books into print, but I would like it to be this year before I fall too behind on it, and end up having to do a dozen books at once.
  • The Virginia Chronicles Books Two and Three - Number two in the series (The Rook) will definitely be out this summer. I was actually hoping for a late spring release, but I didn't want to stretch myself too thin. I'd also LOVE to get book three out by the end of the year. So how long will the series be? I don't know yet. I'm just a fountain of information, aren't I? ;) I could see it being an ongoing series that I can add to between projects since each book is mostly a stand-alone story (though following a chronological timeline). So it could run to 5 or 6 or even more books, but it really depends on if I feel inspired to continue the story and if there is more story to tell. I don't outline books ahead of time. I usually jot down the general idea and plot of a book and let the characters lead the way when I sit down to write it. That's why it's hard to know when a series will be over for good. I try to always stay open-minded to the possibility of sequels and spin-offs and such. Inspiration can strike at any time--it's funny like that.
  • A Horror Trilogy (Titles TBA) - I have a horror trilogy I've been wanting to release for some time now, but it still needs some work, rewrites, edits. I'm hoping for a fall release in time for Halloween. I'd like the whole trilogy to be out by December.
So, there ya go. Plans may change, but that should give you a general idea of what I'm working on and why I sometimes don't have the time/energy to blog. I'm terrible at keeping specific deadlines, because I never know when issues might creep in and spoil my plans. That's why I'm trying to keep my release schedule somewhat vague.

I love writing and doing what I do. I love self-publishing for allowing me the freedom to work at my own pace and for only having to answer to my own muse and to my wonderful readers. It's a good time to be a writer :)

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